

Eye Surgery Compensation Claims


Eye Surgery Compensation Claims

Laser eye surgery is increasingly common and affordable nowadays with thousands of people undergoing it every year in the UK. Thankfully, the vast majority of procedures are concluded successfully, but when it does go wrong, the consequences can be very distressing and in some cases life-changing.

This can mean serious sight issues – including permanent or short-term loss of vision, as well as  infections, blurry or “ghosted” vision, sensitivity to light or excessively dry or watery eyes.

Our specialist team provides expert legal advice in different languages to clients who have been involved in medical negligence claims, including eye surgery. They operate on a No Win No Fee basis, meaning that you won’t pay any fees unless your case is successful.


How can negligence arise in eye surgery?

Negligence refers to an error (such as carrying out an incorrect procedure) or an omission (such as failing to ask certain questions or carry out routine tests) on the part of the practitioner and their staff.

Negligence can occur at just about any stage in the process, from initial consultation right through to your recovery from the surgery and your eyesight after the procedure. Typical examples include:

  • Failure to gather sufficient information on your current prescriptions and the condition of your eyes
  • Omitting to give adequate warning of the relevant risks and potential side-effects before obtaining your consent to the surgery
  • Damaging your eyes during the surgery due to incorrectly following the procedure
  • Mistreating or failing to notice any infections or other problems after the surgery

If you feel that you’ve suffered any of the above, that your eyesight is not as it should be after the procedure, or have any other reason to believe that your eye surgeon has been negligent, contact us to discuss your concerns. We can gather the facts together and advise whether or not we think you have a right to pursue compensation.


How much compensation might I receive?

The amount of compensation you receive very much depends on your specific circumstances. That’s why we recommend that you get in touch with us promptly so that we can discuss the details of your case with you.

You may be able to claim for the following if they are a direct result of your injuries:

  • Compensation for distress and upheaval
  • Loss of earnings and financial losses incurred
  • Medical costs, prescription fees, care and rehabilitation costs
  • Adaptations to your home
  • Damage to your property
  • Travel expenses incurred

We can help you assess your future needs and work with you to agree the level of compensation that you may be entitled to as a result of medical negligence.


Do I have a valid claim for compensation?

If you can answer yes to all three of the following questions, we recommend that you contact us to discuss your circumstances further:

  • Was the surgery or incident within the last three years?
  • Was someone else to blame for the injury?
  • Were you left injured or was your vision affected as a result of the surgery?

Answering ‘yes’ to all three doesn’t mean that a successful claim is certain. However, these questions are key to the claims process. Answering yes to all three does indicate that you have a greater chance of being entitled to claim. Getting prompt, specialist legal advice could be beneficial.

Because of the three-year time limit, it’s important that you contact us promptly so that we can start the process for you.


How do I begin a compensation claim for eye surgery negligence?

Call us on 0208 1111 911 or contact us through the website and we’ll discuss your circumstances with you. The first call typically takes about 15 minutes and in that time we can usually determine whether or not it’s realistic to pursue a claim for compensation.

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