

New Build Problems Compensation


Buying a modern house is a chance to get your ideal home just how you like it. Thankfully, the vast majority of buyers are delighted with their purchase, and their ‘snagging list’ of minor defects is usually quick and easy for the builders to put right before they move in. While construction standards are getting higher, complaints about new build houses are still quite frequent.

If, sadly, you are among those who have new build complaints and have failed to reach a satisfactory outcome with the builder, Litkraft Solicitors can provide the legal advice you need. Our trustworthy team of solicitors aims to make the process of new build problems compensation clear and simple for you. New build problems solicitors provide expert legal services in different languages to clients who have been involved in a wide range of legal matters.


What Sort of Problems and Defects Can Affect a New Build Property?


Just about any issue with a property – even something as minor as some incomplete plastering or a chipped tile – is a breach of contract, strictly speaking. While the builders usually deal with minor defects like these, some shortcomings can only be resolved by taking legal action.

More significant errors that could make you seek compensation for new build defects can include:

  • Structural Defects. Issues with the foundations, possibly putting the property at risk of subsidence, or issues with the walls, floors and ceilings.
  • Poor Workmanship. Uneven finishing throughout the house, such as plastering or bathroom fittings, or bad installation of the doors and windows.
  • Roofing Issues. Problems with the roof, including leaks, inadequate insulation, or poor-quality roofing materials.
  • Heating and Plumbing Problems. Issues with the heating system, plumbing, or ventilation, including leaks, faulty boilers, or inadequate insulation.
  • Electrical Issues. Issues with the electrical wiring, outlets, or fixtures, including safety hazards or inadequate electrical capacity.
  • Fire Safety Concerns. Issues related to fire safety, including inadequate fire doors, faulty smoke detectors, or incorrect fire-resistant materials.
  • Landscaping and External Works. Problems with landscaping, driveways, or external structures, such as fences or outbuildings.

It’s important to point out that most new homes are covered by a 10-year warranty under the National House Building Council (NHBC) scheme. Depending on the nature of the defect and how soon you discover it, you may be entitled to claim under this scheme. However, if the builder still denies responsibility for the defect and ignores new build complaints, you may need some legal advice from trustworthy new build problems solicitors.


Our New Build Problems Solicitors Can Help You


Seeking compensation for new build defects shouldn’t be a stressful process. However, without the help of a professional solicitor it can be a tricky procedure. At Litkraft Solicitors, we will help you deal with all the necessary steps of the case filing process. They can include:

  • Issue documentation. Our solicitors for new builds problems will create a thorough record of the issues you’ve encountered. This may include photographs, written descriptions, and any relevant correspondence with the builder or developer.
  • Warranty review. As recent builds often come with warranties, such as the National House Building Council (NHBC) warranty in the UK, we will review the terms together to understand what is covered. This will help you have a smooth process of claim-making.
  • Legal action. If the builder or developer refuses to rectify your issues, with our expert solicitor’s help, you can seek legal action.
  • Record keeping. During the legal process, we will maintain detailed records of all communications, inspections, and any remedial work undertaken. This documentation may be crucial in filing your complaint about new built property and in court.

If you’re experiencing issues with your property and believe you may be entitled to compensation for builder mistakes, do not hesitate to contact our expert team of solicitors. Defective property, as well as defective products, can lead to personal injury cases.


Size of New Build Problems Compensation – for New Build Defects and Builder Mistakes


The compensation amount for property defects and builder mistakes can vary widely based on several factors. The specific circumstances of each case, the nature and severity of the defects, and the applicable laws and contractual agreements all play a role in determining compensation.

Only expert solicitors for new builds problems can objectively specify the likely compensation amount you can receive regarding the circumstances of the defects. Thus, our Litkraft Solicitors team of experienced lawyers can provide the legal help you need.


Where Can I Get Advice for a New Build House Defect?


Call us at 0208 1111 911 or contact us online and we’ll discuss the details of your circumstances. We will offer the best course of action after reviewing your personal circumstances. There’s nothing to pay upfront, and we’ll notify you of any fees before the agreement is made.

Our expert team will assess whether you might have a valid claim and make sure that in case you are claiming compensation from a house builder, processes will be as smooth as possible.

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