


Our aim is to provide a website that is accessible to all user groups, including those with a disability or impairment and to provide full accessibility to all content on our website.


Our Accessibility features

We have included a tool on our website which can be accessed from any page providing various options to enable accessibility and readability functions.

This has been tested on modern browsers including Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Unfortunately, this tool is not compatible with Internet Explorer and older browsers. However, most browsers (including older browsers) allow you to alter the text size or use a zoom feature to enlarge text using the browser’s menus or shortcut keys.


Help or feedback

We will always try to make our website as accessible as possible and we have tested it using a range of different operating systems and browsers, both on desktop on mobile devices.

However, if you have any difficulty in using our site, or wish to make any comments or suggestions, please do contact us where we will welcome your feedback.

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    Datele dumneavoastra vor fi folosite numai de catre LITKRAFT SOLICITORS, in conformitate cu Politica noastra de confidentialitate si exclusiv in scopul procesarii cererii dumneavoastra.

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