
Our services

  • HD-2-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Blogos nuomojamo būsto būklės ieškiniai

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Kompensacijų už traumas fondai

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ginčai dėl palikimo fondų (Trusts)

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Palikimo fondas (Trust)

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Nekilnojamojo turto dovanojimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Paveldėjimo mokesčių planavimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Apsaugos Teismas (Court of Protection)

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Fondo (Trust) deklaracija

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ilgalaikiai įgaliojimai patikėtiniui (LPA)

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Testamento ir turto administravimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ginčai dėl testamento ir paveldėjimo

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Testamentai verslo savininkams

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Tarptautiniai testamentai, patikos fondai ir paveldėjimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Testamento saugojimas ir atsiėmimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Testamentas UK

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • slider-conveyancing-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Namo pardavimas UK

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • slider-conveyancing-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Pakartotinis namo įkeitimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • slider-conveyancing-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Namo pirkimas UK

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Litigation-Judge-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Nuomos mokesčio išieškojimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Litigation-Judge-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Nuomininkų iškeldinimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Rent-Deposit-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Nuomos užstatas arba depozitas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Būsto nuomos sutartys

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • TUPEE-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    TUPE darbuotojams

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Susitarimai su įmonę paliekančiais darbuotojais

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • wage-disputes-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ginčai dėl atlyginimo

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 100-Equal-Pay-Advice-for-Equal-Pay-Advice-for-Employees-1-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Vienodas darbo užmokestis

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 110-Redundancy-Advice-for-Employees-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Etatų mažinimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • harassment-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Priekabiavimas ir patyčios darbe

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Unfair-or-Wrongful-Dismissal-Advice-for-Employees-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Nesąžiningas arba neteisėtas atleidimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 070-Defective-Goods-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Nekokybiškos prekės

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 069-Unsatisfactory-Holiday-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Lūkesčių neatitikusios atostogos

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 068-Property-Misrepresentation-Claims-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Klaidingos informacijos perkant namą pateikimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • property-dispute-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ginčai dėl nuosavybės

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 064-Car-Finance-Disputes-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Automobilių finansavimo ginčai

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • New-Build-House-Problemss-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Naujos statybos defektai

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • builder-disputes-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ginčai su statybininkais

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • prof-neg-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Profesinio aplaidumo ieškiniai

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 065-Insurance-Disputes-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ginčai su draudimo kompanijomis

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • tenant-dispute-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ginčai su nuomininkais

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Rent-Deposit-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ginčai dėl nuomojamo būsto užstato (depozito)

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Breach-of-Coantract-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ginčų sprendimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • debt-rrecovery-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Skolų išieškojimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 056-Delayed-Flight-Claims-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Skrydžio vėlavimo kompensacijos

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • debt-rrecovery-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Asmeninių skolų išieškojimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Litigation-Judge-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Nekilnojamojo turto ginčai

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 104-Employment-Law-for-Employees-RU-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Darbo teisė darbuotojams

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Litigation-Judge-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Civilinės bylos

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • cotract-blue-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Testamentai, patikos fondai (Trusts) ir paveldėjimas UK

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • slider-conveyancing-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Namo pirkimas pardavimas UK

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau

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