
Our services

  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Darbuotojų skundų tvarkymas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

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  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Gynyba Darbo Tribunolo bylose

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

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  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420


    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

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  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Etatų mažinimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

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  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    TUPE ir darbo teisių apsauga

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

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  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Nesąžiningas atleidimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Darbo procedūrų rengimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Darbo sutarčių rengimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Informavimas apie neteisėtą veiklą

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Ribojamųjų nuostatų sutartys

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Darbo sutarčių pažeidimai

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Diskriminacija darbe

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

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  • 091-Employment-Law-for-Employers-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Konstruktyvus atleidimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Commercial-Property-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Konfidencialumo sutartys

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Commercial-Property-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Sąlygos ir reikalavimai (T&C)

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Litigation-Judge-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Prašymas likviduoti įmonę

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

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  • development-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Nekilnojamo turto vystymas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • planning-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Teritorijų planavimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

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  • Buisness-Sale-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Verslo pirkimas arba pardavimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Emploters-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Darbo teisė darbdaviams

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • 078-Contract-Disputes-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Sutartiniai ginčai

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Litigation-Judge-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Verslo skolų išieškojimas

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Commercial-Property-scaled-aspect-ratio-1270-420

    Komercinio nekilnojamojo turto nuoma

    If you’ve been injured at work, you may be able to claim compensation. Your employer or your fellow employees may have been negligent, which could mean that you could claim against their employers’ liability insurance.

    Skaityti daugiau

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